Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Space Camp Video


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Love the video. When you get your CAP package the monthly newsletter has a picture of you in it doing a plane check with your pilot (last page).


John Hadley Strange said...

A visit from the other end of Alabama - Daphne to be exact. I am glad to have found your blog! I teach at the University of South Alabama. If you have students create blogs, or post to your blogs, I have 155 aspiring teachers that have an assignment to comment on kids blogs. So let me know if they can help. Twitter me @drjohnhadley or consult my class blog: Dr. Strange's EDM 310 Fall 2009 Class Blog:

Unknown said...

Hello Ms Tanea,

I just wanted to ask you, what exactly people do in the space camp and what is it for?

Thank you

Joon said...

Hello Ms. Tanea~~
This is Joon~ (^(oo)^)
i really liked this video, it made me want to go there also~ T_T
I wish I can go there...
I really like to know about the space ^^
I hope I could go there sometime..